Pressure test services
All deep-sea applications require high quality and pressure-resistant components. Although computer-based calculations and sophisticated simulation algorithm are available today and certainly help to shorten the development process for such parts, only a test can really prove, that the design is according to specification, the right material has been chosen and that no signs of fatigue over the planned operation period will occur.
Therefore, pressure tests are often mandatory as part of the certification process to be accomplished by a notified body.
Furthermore, during a pressure test, the dynamic performance of a single component as well as of a complex assembly can be monitored and studied. As a result, existing designs can be improved before deployment and optimized after realization of any deficiencies in operation at a fraction of the cost of conducting corresponding sea tests.

Logging of pressure and temperature
Although hydrostatic testing is generally known as non-destructive testing, a destructive test may become necessary to better understand the test objects’ performance, material behaviour and maximum applicable force until material failure. Since destructive testing destroys or changes the component to a large extent, the expected fracture behaviour of the test item is of particular concern for conducting such tests. .
Primary designed to conduct tests on large volume glass enclosures made of brittle materials which usually collapse suddenly and generate shockwaves with large impact to the test facility, our pressure chamber can also absorb the forces caused by the different levels of failure during a destructive test of test items made of ductile materials.
This method of testing is generally known as non-destructive testing and it is very rare that the product is destroyed, but it can happen.
Hydrostatic testing is used to prove that a product is fit for purpose and that it can retain its working pressure without any leaks. Therefore the worst case is generally that we will see a leak path, rather than the product being completely destroyed.
Hydrostatic testing is mostly used to test that a prototype or new design tweak is functional and leak free. It is also common for this testing to be carried out on a production batch sample test or if the standard dictates every production unit. Testing can be carried out on existing components in the field and this is dictated by the maintenance schedule of an application normally by the end user.